The research support services of Shanghai Electric Group Finance Company Ltd. are aimed at supporting research on benchmarking and capital markets. The company also conducts in-depth research and analysis of the latest topics and technological difficulties.

    · Produced 136 monthly issues

    · Issued over 100 research reports

Since 2008, SEFC has published 136 monthly issues of “Information & Research,” which provides valuable market news and analyses to the Shanghai Electric Group.

· SEFC collects industry news to help the group to understand the latest trends. The company grasps market opportunities, which helps the group make the right investment decisions and move in a definite direction.

· The company provides custom research support. It conducts in-depth research on technological difficulties in specific fields, and recommends professional solutions according to the specific requirements of the relevant project teams.

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Post code:200011
Tel: +86&32;21&32;63794999