We have global leading battery production technology combination, including the combination from winding-type button cell to strap-type pouch cell, and play an important role in continuous development of lithium ion battery technology.

    As the pioneer in the design and manufacturing of solar panel production equipment, we has transferred the technology of solar panel production equipment to the factory from laboratory continuously for over 20 years to carry out mass production.Our solutions can assist solar energy company to realize product production at a low cost and shorten the listing company.

Create CIGS champion assembly with the test line module efficiency of over 16.0%.Participate in European CIGS Sharc25 plan with the target of making the efficiency of CIGS thin film solar cell up to 25% within the shortest time.


1Lowest cost per watt: Considering the costs per watt (the actual manufacturing costs of the solar modules) those of the CIGS technology are already today significantly lower than those of the crystalline technology. Scaling the production capacities, they can be dramatically reduced again. The cost advantages, compared with today still dominating silicon solar technology, will even increase.

2Costs of energy production: The cost advantage of CIGS technology increases by considering the actually relevant costs of power generation, the costs per kilowatt hour. If a CIGS module and a crystalline silicon module with the same nominal power are installed next to each other, the CIGS module generates 10 to 15 % more power during the year. Among other things, this is due to the higher PMPP temperature coefficient (Power of the solar cell at the Maximum Power Point) of the CIGS modules compared to crystalline silicon modules. Thus, the power generation of CIGS modules is less affected by the heating of the module than that of crystalline silicon modules.

3Most efficient mass production: With an average module efficiency of 15.7 %, Manz proves the high potential of CIGS technology and the performance of Manz CIGSfab. The CIGSfab is the most efficient of all turnkey systems for thin-film technology. Additionally, Manz can provide a reliable roadmap for further reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

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Tel: 021-63350576