Provide a safe and efficient integrated rail transit monitoring system solution. Professional subsystems are monitored and dispatched centralizedly with the Supportment of the unified integration platform.These functions achieved information sharing and linkage control among subsystems.

    Main parameters: station performance indicators: system response time <= 2s; system real-time data scanning period <= 1s; screen real-time data refresh period <= 1s; screen click response time <= 0.3s; screen switching time <= 1s; system restart time <= 15 minutes. Central performance indicators: system response time <=3s; system real-time data scanning period <=1s; screen real-time data refresh period <=1s; screen click response time <=0.3s; screen switching time <=1s; system restart time <=15 minutes.

Supervisory Control System is in the leading position in the country; For example: "The Integrated Supervisory Control System of Shanghai Rail Transit Line 18 Phase I Project "This railway control system is Unmanned Driver Integrated Supervisory Control System;Another example:Implementation of Intelligent Station Renovation of Huinan Station on Shanghai Metro Line 16.

Core Technology and Performance Advantage: After more than ten years of technical accumulation and project experience, Our company launch a product called eMetro.The eMetro is a platform software of Integrated Supervisory Control System which collect integrates vehicle, signal and other related systems. The development of eMetro has achieved complete independent intellectual property rights, which eliminates the possibility that all platform-level backdoors threaten the safety of rail transit system. At the same time, deep customization development on this platform can truly fully and thoroughly respond to user needs.

Supply scope: large, medium and small cities throughout the country.

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Post code:200023
Tel: 021-63350576