The capital operation consultancy work of Shanghai Electric Group Finance Company Ltd. is aimed at providing advisory services for equity offerings, debt issuances, increases or decreases in shareholdings, restructuring, and market value management. During projects, the company minimizes advisory costs and maximizes benefits for the Shanghai Electric Group.

    · Participated in major debt financing projects of the group

    · Total financing of over RMB 10 billion

Since establishment, SEFC has participated in and implemented projects including Shanghai Electric&39;s A-share IPO, refinancing, debt-to-equity swaps, convertible bonds, and U.S. guaranteed bonds. 

· With ample knowledge reserves, SEFC can provide advice on a full range of projects. SEFC’s team of experts can provide a full range of advisory services and solutions for diversified capital operations and technological difficulties.

· The company has a deep understanding of the strategies and business demands of the group. As an in-house investment bank, the company has a better understanding of the strategies and the business status of the group compared with external companies. The company is also able to balance short-term and long-term profits, maximizing benefits when providing capital operation advisory services.

Contact Us
Post code:200011
Tel: +86&32;21&32;63794999