In 2014, Shanghai Electric Group Finance Company, Ltd. assisted Shanghai Electric to acquire a 40% stake in Ansaldo as a financial advisor. This acquisition overcame the technical barrier that had restricted the development of Chinese gas turbine manufacturers for more than 30 years and secured a first-mover advantage in the gas turbine field.

By acquiring the world&39;s  fourth largest enterprise and completing the transfer of core technology, the deal gave China access to gas turbine technology that it did not have previously. It also placed Shanghai Electric at the forefront of the domestic industry.

· As “the owner’s investment bank,” SEFC fully participated in this project by helping formulate the acquisition plan, drafting the relevant reports, participating in negotiations, and coordinating external intermediaries.

· SEFC entered the project in the early stage and signed the framework agreement with the counterparty within the first three months. The whole project took less than one year.

· During the project, the company efficiently completed the evaluation, recommendations for the transaction framework, and negotiation. It signed the stock purchase agreement with the counterparty in Italy within 6 months.

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