Shanghai Electric Water has the world's leading energy-saving and environmental friendly industrial Multi Effect Distillation (MED) coupled with waste heat utilization seawater desalination technology, which has the advantages of low operation temperature, high heat transfer efficiency, wide load range, small scale corrosion tendency, etc. And it has been successfully applied in the field of power, chemical, steel and other industries.

    At present, the company has completed 9 MED projects, with a total installed capacity of more than 245000 t /d. It has the ability to provide single unit capacity of more than 50000t/d project design, equipment supplies and EPC service. The process types include MED, MED-TVC and F-MED (hot water flashing with MED). The gained output ratio (GOR) can reach 10. The power consumption of product water is as low as 1.2kwh/t and the TDS is less than 5mg / L.

Through continuous independent R&D and technical innovation, the company is in the leading position in China in terms of MED system design, equipment design and manufacturing, engineering services, etc. It has successively completed the development of the first commercial MED of 10000 ton capacity and the largest single unit MED capacity record in China, the first thermal desalination EPC project in China, and the largest MED capacity export project.





(1) Top 10 desalination and water reuse project developers in the world;

(2) The market share of domestic thermal process is over 70%;

(3) In charge of the thermal desalination research group of the 12th Five Year Plan of the Ministry of science and technology of the People’s Republic of China;

(4) Take the lead to establish the first strategic innovation alliance of thermal desalination industry in China;

(5) The first commercial MED of 10000 ton capacity and the largest single unit MED capacity record in China;

(6)The first thermal desalination EPC project in China;

(7) The largest MED capacity export project.

Zhejiang Petrochemical phase I 105000 t/d seawater desalination EPC project is the largest project in the domestic chemical industry, which uses hot water flashing as the heating resource. The world's first MED seawater desalination technology with waste heat utilization can make full use of the rich low-grade hot water waste heat resources in the chemical industry, steel and other industries. The new design technology can reduce the water production cost of thermal desalination by more than 50% through recycling the waste heat utilization. Shanghai Electric Water can provide overall solutions and service system design, manufacturing, procurement, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance.

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Post code:200090
Tel: (8621)60703800