Shanghai Electric Group Finance Company Ltd. provides deposits and loans in domestic and foreign currencies for group companies. Through Centralized Capital Management, SEFC promotes the Integration of Industry-Finance Capital (IIFC), accelerates the effective allocation of group resources, and improves the efficiency of the group's capital.

    · Better interest rates than the market

    · Flexible business models

    · Efficient business processes

Having implemented the strategies of serving the real economy and achieving the Integration of Industry-Finance Capital (IIFC), SEFC ranked in the top 10%, 25th among the 253 finance companies in terms of asset scale in 2018.

· SEFC establishes strategic partnerships with commercial banks to construct capital management platforms and provide convenient services.

· SEFC has created a core system and e-banking system based on advanced solutions, to ensure the security and accuracy of financial services.

· The company is qualified to perform accounting for FTA sub-accounts and centralized capital management for multinational companies, achieving global and integrated management of the group's capital.

Contact Us
Post code:200011
Tel: +86&32;21&32;63794999