Shanghai Electric Group Finance Company Ltd. provides RMB/FX Forward/Swap, and Cross Currency Swap services for group companies. These are exchange rate risk aversion tools that helps group companies manage exchange rate exposure risks and lock in financial costs.

    · Covers key currencies

    · Total business volume of USD 675 million

At the end of 2011, SEFC was qualified to provide derivative products by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission. In 2012, it was approved by the China Foreign Exchange Trading Center to become a member of the inter-bank foreign exchange market and conduct the RMB/FX forward/swap business. It was one of the first finance companies in China to receive the above qualification.

· The FX rate offered by SEFC is better than those of banks, which greatly lowers costs for group companies.

· The company provides full-day mark-to-market services and selects optimal trading opportunities based on the needs of group companies.

· Online applications make the process more efficient.

Contact Us
Post code:200011
Tel: +86&32;21&32;63794999